About us?
TD® products are born from the efforts of a group of entrepreneurs and artisans who have developed a unique concept of high quality manufacturing through the mixture of traditional skills with cutting edge technology, in order to offer the best quality available.
Each of our items is manufactured by highly trained specialists, who take care of even the smallest detail in the selection of materials and finishes ensuring a complete service that goes from the design and layout to the finished product.

The bookstore is individual, efficient, emotional, romantic, conservative and avant-gde at the same time. A notebook is what its owner makes of it.
Everyone needs a notebook, it is where memories are kept and help not to forget those issues that we have pending. You can take the notebook anywhere, so it has a sentimental value. No one could despise a notebook full of thoughts and ideas.

A notebook supports a brand when other products cannot. For big ideas, for thoughts, for memories, a notebook is indispensable. Ideas to stay, write, read and think again how to make
Time is the reason of notebooks. Effective time management is undoubtedly one of the most important skills that are required to ensure personal productivity in all areas of performance, and the printed book has been, is and will continue to be the most suitable tool for its efficient administration.
Because it is versatile, allowing the user to use it according to their tastes and preferences; because it is portable, accompanying its owner everywhere and at all times; because it is indelible, becoming a permanent memory of the activities; because it is friendly, facilitating the user to record their commitments, work and personal activities, notes and reminders, available at any time.
It is for all the above that printed notebooks are the preferred present of companies around the world, these gift are always expected and appreciated by millions of people, regardless of their profession, occupation and status, such as gender, age or condition social or cultural the effectiveness of printed notebooks as a promotional and advertising medium is unparalleled.
Year after year we try our best to integrate in our product portfolio the best solutions for the needs of our customers: you are our reason for being. The evolution Travel Diary is the result of a thorough evaluation of each of our products, their physical components and editorial, with the clear objective of providing the best of our innovative and creative capacity, both in the graphic arts , as in the editorial aspect.
They will find sober, very elegant and renewed graphic designs, very well balanced between the information and the writing area, providing the user with more spacious and versatile spaces. As always, excellent materials, on which we base our quality, supported also by an experience developed over almost 15 years of work in the world of graphic arts.
Our decisive commitment to the values of our brand: quality, creativity and reliability continues firm for the benefit of our customers. As of this year, and as a result of the efforts in which we have been working, we want to add another value to our brand: service.